Isaac Gatt

Isaac Gatt



Isaac Gatt

After obtaining his academic education at University and specialising in the topic of sustainable engineering, Isaac identified a number of shortcomings in the local sustainability scene. Using his entrepreneurial background, he decided to apply his academic learnings by establishing a firm focused on providing technical engineering solutions to a wide range of industries. He is motivated to contribute in tackling the global problem at hand, whilst increasing awareness on the implementation of true sustainable concepts.

Credentials and Qualifications

Isaac Gatt graduated with a Bachelors Degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Malta in 2020. He also graduated with a Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering degree from the same University in 2022. His area of specialisation revolves around the utilisation of sustainable engineering tools, primarily focusing on the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). Isaac has also managed to publish the work from these academic projects in international conferences and journals.

Isaac holds credentials as a LEED® Green Associate, as well as an Energy Performance of Buildings (EPB) Assessor with the Building and Construction Authority (BCA). He also holds qualifications in concepts of Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG).


Articles by

Isaac Gatt

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